
April 8, 2011

What Personal Characteristics Do Salesmen Possess

What qualities, characteristics, attitudes and abilities make up the effective salesman? There are many kinds of selling jobs which require different types of salesmen but in fact there is no such thing as one ideal sales personality. In general, when choosing young men for sales work, sales managers usually look for personality rather than for specialized training. They believe that the most important factor leading to success in selling is "Character". I remember last time before I enter in the world of selling, I have no experience at all and don’t even know how to deal and mingle with people, my real purpose is just to earn money and get a job instantly. But with determination and eagerness to learn drives me to work hard to develop my skills in dealing with different kinds of people.
Broadly speaking, personality elements that seem to be important in selling require Intelligence. If one is to deal with prospects that have reached a position of prominence or must make complicated computations, he will do better if his IQ is high. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the salesman needs to be quick-witted. He has to think fast on his feet.
Another thing that he must possess is the ability to interact, know how to say or do the right thing in a social situation that facilitates the social intercourse between the parties presented. He must be a tactful man who has the knack of putting others at their ease. He never says or does anything to wound the sensibilities of another.
Salesman should be dependable. He must make a good on his promise. When he says he can deliver the product at a given period of time, he has to make sure that he can make it. This sales personality is related to honesty, integrity which is a foundation of building a good relationship with customers.
A good salesman is in control of sales situation. Though he may allow the prospect to do most of the talking, still they are speaking of what the salesman desires and he has matters well in hand. In selling, dominance is not achieved by force but rather by behavior that clearly establishes in the prospect’s mind that the salesman is the master of his area of competence; he knows what he is talking about.
Few young people have much confidence in themselves, they haven’t had the experience yet on which to base it but self confidence is developed as you gain experience and learn that you are able to do what has to be done. As you learn your trade and acquire experience, you can handle whatever problem is cast in your path.
Last but not the least that every salesman must have is determination. If you have strong will to succeed, to make good in every endeavor to take, you will certainly become a top flight player and successful in selling.

April 2, 2011

Outsource A Freelance Expert

The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

You can use a website builder tool to create sophisticated web pages without much specific knowledge.  There are lots of automated tools you can use to make things easy for you. Even if you are not professional or I.T expert, these builder tools are programmed with HTML command that is available to use with functions that combine these commands.  You can also rely on the code that a builder tool generates or you can insert your own code whenever it is needed.  But sometimes there is unnecessary code that web browsers can interpret incorrectly.  So it is better to optimize your code creates by builder tool so that your pages load faster and clearly.

One way that entrepreneurs get ahead is to understand their strength and weaknesses.  Many people who wants to operate their own online business are not necessarily a great Web Designer however, if you have plans to make your business grow and improve your overall business model it is advisable to invest to have a professional Web Designer to create your website who knows how to increase orders and increase your website visibility and help you recover the time and money you spend.

Some people consult with professional designers to create their sites and some entrepreneurs are asking for professional designers to maintain their sites and make some revisions or create a new style appropriate to the business.  Half the battle of finding a Web Designer is deciding that you need to hire one or outsourcing a very talented individuals who work on a freelance basis and take on specific clients and projects that fit into their schedules. There are so many companies that can offer you a good service and trusted professionals who can help your business. One of the companies that I can trust is
. Here you will find a lot of Professionals from different category or field of expertise.You can easily validate the freelance worker if he or she is knowledgeable or not. You can also specify the time frame for each project and bid over the salary per hour or fixed basis.  Each project done by the experts are monitored accordingly, so you do not need to worry if he is really doing his task or not.  As a business owner, you have to determine your business goals, be specific to your freelance staff to that it will not conflict  with your business purpose.